Jazetti has all the software ingredients and recipes in house.
Jazetti has already experienced everything at least once in recent years. For example, we have created business-critical software systems for 1 user, but also for 18,000 users – in various languages – worldwide. Jazetti shares knowledge and expertise with its partners, so that they can develop further independently if necessary.

Jazetti flawlessly senses the challenges its partners are facing.
Getting the software requirements right is not easy. Jazetti always knows how to get the right software specifications on the table by sparring with its partners about the desired use cases. Jazetti has the right software fingerspitzengefühl!
Jazetti stands for flawless cooperation.
Jazettti avoids miscommunication by deploying a single software professional per project. This software specialist is substantively involved in software development at every level and ensures that the total software needs are optimally met. Through daily face-to-face collaboration with our partners, we ensure the fastest and best applicable result.

Jazetti can design and/or develop all software applications itself.
Jazetti has successfully completed more than 60 small and large software projects. Jazetti acts as a software consultant for obtaining the right software requirements, but Jazetti’s software architects and software engineers also develop and implement the software applications. This depends on the wishes of our partners.
Jazetti supplies flexible software solutions.
Jazetti supplies software solutions that are future-proof, based on proven technology. We achieve this by recommending software that has a high degree of deployability, applicability and scalability. In this way the software solution can always move with the (new) direction of your company.

Jazetti supplies transferable software.
Jazetti mainly works on business-critical software systems that have to work 24/7. The partners of Jazetti benefit from being able to maintain and/or expand this software themselves, in case of an emergency. Thanks to the open source code and (technical) documentation, Jazetti guarantees its partners maximum security in this area. Jazetti trains and coaches the employees of its partners, so that they can continue to work independently on the software applications.